Consultancy organisation’s approval process
The approved consultancy organisations, to implement the SGI Standards, should have signed an approval agreement in order to allow audit staff to have access to the training activities established by SGI.
SGI consultant and requirements
An SGI consultant is a person who has been trained to carry out their role as a consultant of the SGI standards. Consequently, this person has the appropriate knowledge and experience to implement Equal Opportunities management systems. SGI consultants meet the following requirements:
- Training and experience on the sector.
- Certification of Equality Agent according to SGI Standards’ criteria.
Additional requirements
- Must have completed valid training in:
- Equality Agent Course
- Expert in Labour Disputes due to Harassment Course
- Consultant Specialised in Equal Opportunities Course
- Knowledge of national and regional regulations.
- Knowledge of the language used depending on the company.
- Specific and practical experience in the standards and relevant areas.
- If the mentioned requirements are met, you just have to do the following:
- Accept the conditions of our programme.
- Pay the consultant’s fee.
- Pass the respective examinations.
Consultancy organisations costs
- The consultancy organisations will have to pay an approval fee of €300.
- For the annual renewal, they must issue a document (report) on the work carried out and the quality results obtained.
- The training criteria established annually will be followed.
Ceremony for the approval’s awarding: Public event
- Event chaired by the Scientific Commission of the Standard.