STANDARD SGI 20.10 / Equal Opportunities Seal
- Equal Opportunities Management System
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STANDARD SGI R-20 / Equal Pay Seal
- Equal Pay Management System
- Wage Registration System
- Pay Audit System Against Pay Gap
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STANDARD SG D-20 / Divérsitas Seal
- Diversity Management System
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STANDARD SGI A-20 / Harassment Management
- Workplace Sexual and Gender-based Harassment Prevention and Response Management System
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SGI currently has 4 developed standards, partly due to the constant standardisation and legislation that unite criteria globally. Equality Laws, such as the French Law No. 83-635 of 13 July 1983, which has been incorporated into the national law following the Directive 76/207/EEC on the implementation of the equal treatment between men and women in the access to employment equality principle, or the Spanish Law 3/2007 on Equal Opportunities which regulates, among others, the Royal Decree-Laws 901/2020 and 902/2020 on Equality Plans and Equal Pay respectively. These laws make these standards an international reference for the implementation of management systems in companies.
The SGI certificate indicates that the certified company has established the appropriate proceedings for guaranteeing Equal Opportunities in the workplace, and Equal Pay. It also shows that the company has taken the necessary measures to avoid Discrimination and Sexual and/or gender-based harassment, guaranteeing the diversity of the different gender identities and the protection of people through a correct implementation of actions that allow both to prevent and know how to act on Sexual Harassment.
In the following sections, you will find a detailed description of all our standards, along with available complementary information.