The SGI Standards are International Standards for Gender Equality and standard regulations that focus on the management of equal opportunities in organisations, either public or private. These standards have been developed in response to the customer’s demand for the definition of requirements in order to assess and certify their management system.
The terminology SGI 20.10, the first of its kind globally, was born in 2010 and stands for the Spanish abbreviation of “Sistemas de Gestión de Igualdad” (Equality Management Systems, in English).
The standard is based on years of development and experience, both in the establishment of systems in companies and in other business management systems. It has as its basis and fundamental support the legal regulations currently in force in the different states, both from the European Union and the United Nations Member States, and from where the fundamental right to Equality is developed and collected; from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the different guidelines approved by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.
The standard SGI 20.10 is compatible with the current High-Level Structure ISO standards as, for example, ISO 45001. The aim of this compatibility is to facilitate the integration of the new High-Level Structure (HLS), compatible with the cycle “Plan” “Do” “Check” “Act” (PDCA) with any other management system applied in the organisation.